Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Stones.....My Kidney Stones!!!!

Well for the past month I have been having really bad stomach pains. I have had kidney stones before but this time the pain didn't feel the same so off to the ER I went. It has to be hurting pretty bad for me to go to an ER especially on the weekend. So they did an xray and seen my kidney stone on the left and said it was still there hasn't moved so it must be Diverticulitis. So I was like oh ok then a new thing to deal with so I was relieved I had found out what was going on and so started my meds. Well it got better but it came back in 2 weeks. So went to my local Dr and told them what was going on so they gave me some more meds to take. Got to feeling better again and at this point I was thinking am I going to have to deal with every month. No way!!! So it started feeling better again. Needless to say a week later I was back at the Dr office again told them what was going on said the same thing so back on meds again. Went over what I was eating nothing that could have flared it up again so now I was getting worried. So last Wednesday I went to eat at Cracker Barrel ( love that place) so soft foods and didn't eat a whole lot at all. Got back to work I was doubling over in pain stomach was KILLING me. So, my sweet loving husband was with me at work still, I told him I had to go somewhere he said you are going to CMC at Pineville that was the closes place. It was so funny because when I went back to get my vitals I was telling the nurse what was going on and she kept saying it sounds like a kidney stone I was like no way the pain isn't the same as before. So I sat in a little room waiting on a exam room but in the mean time I had to drink contrast and go get a MRI of my stomach. Well low and behold finally after sitting there in pain for 3 1/2 hours finally got a room. And low and behold you have a 7mm kidney stone that is lodged in your urethra right outside your kidney and it stuck. It was so big it couldn't pass it. So this is great what now. They, of course, gave me some meds to take that will expand my urethra. I did get some rest that night thank goodness. So the next day I had to follow up with a urologist. Sweet Dr she was so nice and blunt. I don't see you passing that stone and I really don't want you to go thru the weekend just to end back up in the er. So I said what do I do? Well you have 2 options 1) you can have them shocked wave 2) we can put a stint in. I was like well the shock wave doesn't sound that bad so I choose that one. BAD MISTAKE. I read up on it on line well needless to stay that is what they did in the older days now they do it totally different. That was the worst pain and if I ever have to get it done again they are going to have to knock me totally out. I had a reaction to the meds they gave me made me sick as a dog. They did break them up and I was passing them before I left the hospital. But low and behold the big one was trying to come thru that nite. It HURT!!!! I was begging Donnovan to find out if I could take more pain meds that every 4 hour stuff wasn't working. So I called mom and he tried to get my Dr that did the procedure. They both said the same thing I couldn't pop them pills fast enough that nite. I can't describe the relief I felt it was like I was floating on soft white pillow of clouds. So off to sleep I went. But my poor hubby was worried because of the meds I was taking and couldn't sleep for a long time. Bless his heart I love him:). He was a great care giver and I couldn't have went through all of this with out him. He does have patience I can vouch for that.

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